If you are going through depression to the point you are having suicidal thoughts, please speak up. Talk to someone - a fellow believer, a pastor, loving relatives or trained specialists.
According to ResearchGate, over the last 45 years, suicide has increased globally by 60%. Among the young and the elderly.
This has led to many Christians wondering what happens to fellow Christians who lost their lives via suicide, where will they go?
If you have lost a friend, a loved one, a colleague or a business partner who is a Christian through suicide and you are wondering what will happen to them since they have a hand in their own deaths, let this post comfort and set your heart at peace as it brings to light what the Bible truly teaches concerning that.
What The Bible Truly Says About Suicide
Here is what the Bible has to say concerning suicide.
1. Suicide is a sin but not the unpardonable sin
Like every other wrong acts the Bible instructed you not to be involved in, suicide is a sin. It has to do with one taking his own life, that is, one killing himself (directly or indirectly). We are instructed to cherish and value life in the scriptures, not to destroy it.
However, though suicide is a sin, it is not the unpardonable sin. The sin which can never be forgiven.
The unpardonable sin also known as the sin against the Holy Spirit, is simply a wilful rejection of Christ via unbelief in the Salvation and forgiveness of sins that He has brought for all men.
2. The Sacrifice of Jesus was for all sins, including suicide
“For by one offering, he hath perfected forever them that are sanctified.” Heb. 10:14 KJV
The sacrifice of Jesus did not take care of the “small” sins alone, leaving the “big” ones behind. It took care of all sins, for all times. And that includes suicide and other sins that causes the ear to tingle.
Haven taken care of the believer’s sins by the sacrifice of Himself, He established Himself as his advocate (the believer’s advocate). So the believer has nothing to answer for before the Father concerning sins.
“My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous: And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.” 1 John 2:1-2 KJV
He is the advocate and the propitiation for our sins, including that of those who took their own lives.
3. Those who lost their lives through suicide are still saved if they depended on Jesus for Salvation
One of the most popular misconceptions about Salvation is that it is a work in progress. That is to say that our salvation from sin is a progressive work and instantenous.
While this may be partially true for our present physical bodies (since it is still waiting for immortality to be fully manifested on it), it is not true for our Spirits where the real Salvation took place (to be manifested to our outer parts from there).
Those who say man’s Salvation is on going most of the time presents it in such a way that you are not totally saved until the end. And that is largely because your Salvation will have to depend on how sinless or sinful you have been to be completed or cancelled totally.
That would mean that if you ever sin after believing in Jesus, then there is a tendency that you may lose your Salvation and go to Hell. This is not what the Bible teaches.
In every place that the Bible talk about man’s Salvation from sin, it always presents it as eternal and instantenous. The scriptures are clear on this, exceprt when quoted or read out of context.
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16 KJV
Did you notice how the above scripture said “whosoever believeth in him” and not “whosoever stops sinning” or “whosoever does not sin” shall not perish?
It is crystal clear. Those who believed in Jesus for Salvation can never ever perish. Regardless of the sin they commit afterwards, including suicide.
Does this mean it is okay to sin? God forbid! Jesus died so we can live for Him, and part of how we live for Him is through righteous living.
However if we fall into sin while on this earth, we can be sure Jesus got our back. And that’s till eternity.
In conclusion
We started by saying Suicide is never an option. Regardless of whatever you are going through, there is always a way out. You may not see it but it’s right there. Find someone to talk to.
We were then able to see from the Scriptures suicide is one of the sins for which Jesus died. And by His death, He redeemed man from sin, granting him eternal Salvation.
So if a man died in Jesus, regardless of how he died, his Salvation is still intact.
So do you have someone who is a Christian that lost his life through suicide? Be rest-assured that even as we speak, he or she is with the Father, completely saved through the sacrifice of Jesus.
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